Shenley United Jewish Community Kol Nidre Appeal

Please watch this appeal video from our shul, highlighting the important causes that our community is supporting.

By giving together, we can change the lives of thousands of people in the coming year. So please – open your arms and donate what you can. Thank you for your generous support.

This year we will be supporting:

Laniado is a hospital with heart. It stands as a testimony to the sanctity of each and every life lost in the Holocaust and to the determination of its founder, Rabbi Halberstam, himself a survivor. Since opening in 1976, Laniado has become a highly advanced medical centre, serving Netanya’s 350,000 residents and the surrounding area. It delivers the highest level of care, regardless of race, religion or the ability to pay. Laniado only receives government funding for basic service delivery, but not for special projects and new equipment, relying solely on its supporters’ generous contributions.

Jami enriches and saves lives impacted by mental illness in the Jewish community. It guides people through the challenging journey of navigating mental health services, providing emotional support and expert advice. It provides professional, person-centred treatment and support for young people and adults with mental health needs, as well as for their families and carers. Through education and training, JAMI equips people with the skills and knowledge to be resilient, inclusive and better able to support mental illness and distress, reduce stigma, and build mutually supporting relationships across the community.