St John's Wood Synagogue Kol Nidre Appeal

This year our community has chosen to raise money for JAMI and Camp Simcha. Please give generously.

By giving together, we can change the lives of thousands of people in the coming year. So please – open your arms and donate what you can. Thank you for your generous support.

Jami is here for when mental illness and distress makes everyday life a challenge. The charity guides young people and adults through their mental health recovery, supports families and carers, and educates community leaders to build the community’s resilience. Support is provided by experts with lived experience and delivered without judgement and with deep empathy.

Camp Simcha provides bespoke, unconditional, practical and therapeutic support to Jewish families in the UK with a child diagnosed with a serious childhood illness. It supports over 50 different medical conditions, including cancer, genetic illnesses, heart conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, premature birth and serious mental illness. As well as practical, emotional and therapeutic services, Camp Simcha strives to bring hope and joy by providing powerful, positive experiences for the children and their families.